Outdoor Lab Foundation

Outdoor Lab has been enriching the lives of sixth-grade and high school students in Jefferson County for more than 60 years. This week-long, overnight camp experience can be one of the most transformational forms of experiential education a young person can receive in Jeffco and it fosters profound personal growth in students. Beyond the lessons in outdoor skills, natural history, communication, teamwork, and leadership that are part of virtually any outdoor experience, at Outdoor Lab, there is an underlying process through which the experience is rendered meaningful in the lives of the participants. The Outdoor Lab Foundation exists to inspire community support for, and advocate on behalf of Jeffco Schools Outdoor Lab Program. We provide support through four foundational priorities: the tuition assistance program, intern stipend program, High School Leader program, and site support program.
For more information visit https://www.outdoorlabfoundation.org/outdoor-lab-school/what-is-outdoor-lab.html or email misha.shearer@outdoorlabfoundation.org.