Colfax Marathon To Award Additional $10,000 to Colorado Public Schools
Teacher Relay Teams Compete to Support School of Their Choice
(Denver, CO) – The Colfax Marathon, now Denver’s only marathon, has become known for its community involvement and interaction with local schools, businesses and non-profits. The charity partners program will be the largest program in the race’s 11-year history with more than 220 participating charities. Among the charities are Colorado public schools raising awareness and money for their school programs including athletics, arts and academics.
Currently, more than 100 of the Government Cup marathon relay teams are filled with teams of teachers supporting their schools and setting an example for students to live a healthy lifestyle. The marathon relay has become the fastest growing segment of the race where athletes gather a group of 5 to split the 26.2 miles rather than tackling it alone. Not only are teachers participating, student teams run in the Open Division, showing their support for their school as well.
“This is a terrific program for our teachers to inspire our students, get healthy and set a goal. We were proud to have more than 50 teams participating in the Colfax Marathon in 2016 and this additional $10,000 in an added bonus,” added Emily O’Winter, District Healthy Schools Coordinator, Jeffco Public Schools.
The Government Cup Division is filled with teachers, policemen, government employees, firefighters and more competing to win $21,000. This $10,000 is in addition to the government cup that will be earmarked specifically for public schools.
“We are constantly amazed at the growth we experience among the schools and the charity partners who utilize our race as a platform to raise money and awareness. This year we are excited to set aside an additional $5,000 for the top five placing teams made up of public school teachers or staff to compete to win $1,000 that will go directly back in to their school.” Commented Andrea Dowdy, CEO of the Colfax Marathon.
The goal of this additional award is to earmark more support for Colorado’s public schools. Teams can be male, female or coed.
This is a way for teams who do not win the overall Government Cup to still be able to share in prize money for their schools.