Denver 5K on the Runway – We Made History

Thank you to all that came and were the first to run the runway at Denver International Airport!

2500 Runners were the first to run down the Runway at Denver International Airport!  Runners made history in Denver, and enjoyed a great party before and after the race at the United Airlines Hangar.   This sold out event gave all runners a once in a lifetime experience.  



View your results. brought to you by Century Link.

Race Morning Photos

Photographs provided courtesy of the Denver International Airport

Runner Photos

Your runner photos will be here when photos are ready a couple days post race!

Please note – due to weather and cloud cover and therefore darkness, there are fewer runner photos than normal.   Fast runners (congrats on being fast!) may not receive a photo if you finished in the dark.   Hopefully most other runners will have at least one photo.

We love the photos you’ve posted on social media – we’ve seen some great ones on-course, as well as of the United 777 engine and Finish display in the hangar.   And some of the airplanes landing/taking off overhead!

Takeoff with United Airlines

We are excited to welcome Denver’s largest airline as our presenting sponsor. United hosted the Post Race Party in their hangar with breakfast, music, and some stunning views! This is a must for runners and aviation fans alike!

Partnering with Denver International Airport

Denver International Airport (DEN) has teamed up with the Denver Colfax Marathon to provide a once-in-a-lifetime experience with a sunrise 5K run on one of DEN’s six runways.

“This is the first time in the airport’s history that we have held an event like this on the airfield,” said DEN CEO Phil Washington. “We are excited to offer this unique experience for the community to see DEN from a different perspective while enjoying the beauty of our airport and the surrounding landscape.”

Thank you to our wonderful sponsors: